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Gain insights into the latest security measures, best practices, and tools to keep your website safe from threats and vulnerabilities.
A few of our email servers went wild sending spam this weekend. After quickly fixing the…
Yesterday Sucuri reported a new vulnerability in WP eCommerce - a popular WordPress plugin for online…
It is no secret that securing your client’s data is an ongoing process and not something…
A major security flaw was discovered in the most popular shell (Bash) which is used by…
A serious vulnerability in the popular Joomla extension VirtueMart was discovered by the awesome people at…
Yesterday, a serious vulnerability in the PHP XML parser used by WordPress and Drupal was announced. After…
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Critical vulnerability in the famous Kunena forum component for Joomla! were announced three days ago and…
A serious vulnerability in one of the most popular WordPress plugins - WPtouch was announced yesterday.…
If you have gone through the anguish of having your personal information exposed to theft and…
Another serious security issue was reported earlier today within one of the popular WordPress plugins for managing…
Yesterday, on April 10th, a critical security flaw in the popular Jetpack plugin was made public…
As some of you already know, a major vulnerability in some versions of the OpenSSL software…