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Gain insights into the latest security measures, best practices, and tools to keep your website safe from threats and vulnerabilities.
Last week a very serious vulnerability in the Linux kernel, the so called Dirty COW, was reported.…
End of Life (EOL) in the CMS world refers to the point in time when an…
A dangerous easy-to-exploit vulnerability called httpoxy discovered 15 years ago, reappeared again yesterday, leaving server-side website…
Today a critical vulnerability was found in one of the most popular and widely used WordPress…
Hours ago a critical vulnerability in the GNU C Library (glibc) was announced alongside a proof of concept…
In December 2015 the new certificate authority Let’s Encrypt entered Public Beta and caused a wave…
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Yesterday, a serious vulnerability that affects all major Joomla versions was disclosed. Using this security breach…
A few days ago, a critical vulnerability in the Joomla! core was found. It comes from…
On October 1st, a security issue in JetPack, one of the most commonly used WordPress plugins,…
Recently PayPal has sent emails to many of its users informing them that SSL upgrades will…
A serious security issue in one of the world's most popular machine emulator and virtualizer QEMU,…
A security vulnerability in the famous WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast was just reported by the WP…