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Gain insights into the latest security measures, best practices, and tools to keep your website safe from threats and vulnerabilities.
In our annual survey, we asked our clients what the biggest website challenges they foresaw encountering…
Last week, Chicago was the coldest place on earth! This was all over the news. The…
For the last few years, the trend of moving towards encrypted browsing through HTTPS has been…
Over a year ago, SiteGround began the important task of preparing for the General Data Protection…
Last week we had a webinar with SiteGround’s Senior Legal Advisor - Maya Stoyanova talking about…
We are receiving more and more inquiries from clients asking if SiteGround will be GDPR-compliant. With…
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Starting today, all SiteGround customers can get a free Let’s Encrypt Wildcard SSL. This will make…
Тoday, a serious vulnerability issue with one of the vastly used Yith plugins - the WooCommerce…
Yesterday, our partners from Sucuri discovered a serious SQL injection vulnerability in one of the most…
UPDATESince the launch of our own in-house built Content Delivery Network – SiteGround CDN, we are…
In the security world, the following advice seems to be gold: keep templates and plugins up…
Yesterday a Linux kernel local root exploit was found and reported. One more time our dedicated…