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Gain insights into the latest security measures, best practices, and tools to keep your website safe from threats and vulnerabilities.
It's that time of year again - time to put on the costume, carve the pumpkin,…
Our SG Site Scanner service has been one of the most valued tools by our clients…
Making your website secure is not a one-time thing. It’s not a switch you can flip…
Last week, the Woo team announced a critical vulnerability in the most popular eCommerce plugin for…
Having a reliable and secure WordPress website is critical for both your business and your users.…
In the root directory of every WordPress site is a file, xmlrpc.php that actually predates WordPress…
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We have recently launched our own WordPress security plugin -- SiteGround Security (now named Security Optimizer),…
The security of our clients' websites has always been an extremely important part of our web…
Exactly what is a “brute force” attack on a website? Just the name “brute force” conjures…
Your online reputation is one of your most precious possessions. Because of this, you need to…
Computer programmers like to give things big names. This is how we end up with something…
Most developers are familiar with the website "Have I Been Pwned?". Most non-developer and non-techie people…