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Gain insights into the latest security measures, best practices, and tools to keep your website safe from threats and vulnerabilities.
With the rapid development of technology, the complexity of phishing attacks improves. The more technologically advanced…
Website security should be on the mind of every site owner. It doesn’t matter if your…
We have been talking about brute-force attacks in the past, but the truth is that many…
As hackers become more and more ingenious, protecting your website is an on-going process. To help…
Since its launch in 2011, our Site Scanner website security service has helped hundreds of thousands…
The Elementor 3.6.0 version of the WordPress website builder plugin introduced a new functionality for easy…
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We are now introducing our own Private DNS service, which allows you to customize the default…
Earlier today our security team received confirmation about a critical vulnerability in Linux affecting all kernels…
At the end of every year, we turn to our clients for the most important mark…
A serious security issue was found in All In One SEO Plugin, affecting all versions between…
A couple of days ago a serious security issue with the PublishPress Capabilities plugin was discovered.…
For as long as there have been WordPress, site owners, managers, and developers have worried about…