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Dobromira, DevOps engineer at SiteGround: Fearlessly breaking barriers
Join us as we embark on another chapter of our ON & OFF THE CLOCK series,…
Velina, HR expert at SiteGround: Nurturing an adventurous spirit
We started our ON & OFF THE CLOCK series with a heartfelt gratitude to the dazzling…
Sophia, web designer at SiteGround: Bringing creativity everywhere
March is here, and with it comes an amazing celebration of womanhood - International Women's Day.…
How to Maximize Your Website Speed on a Budget: Twitter Chat
As a small business owner, your website performance is crucial for your users’ experience, SEO rankings…
Monthly Performance Reports Now Available
We recently launched our Monthly Security Reports that give you valuable information about what we’re doing…
Top 12 Website Metrics to Increase Performance
Website metrics offer a window into how users engage with your site, revealing insights like daily…
Shortcuts to a Faster Website
Fast website performance is a crucial element of your online success. It affects the experience of…
SiteGround CDN 2.0 Is Here, Now Even Faster!
UPDATEAs of February 28th, 2023, all clients using our CDN have been migrated to its latest…
SiteGround-supported Antarctic Rowing Expedition wins 8 Guinness Records (+ A Petition to Protect the Southern Ocean)
Last December, while everyone was in the whirlwind of the end-of-year Holidays, among the SiteGround team…
Take our Website Performance Olympics Quiz (+ Get a Free Guide)
It’s that time of the year when the days go faster than the speed of light…
Best Website Speed Optimization Tips and Tricks
Website speed optimization is crucial for creating a positive user experience. A positive user experience is…
Client Survey Results 2022: Superb Website Speed and Security
The results from our traditional annual client survey are here! Looking back at 2022, we’ve been…