Site Builder
Getting Started
Can I Use a Subdomain for a SiteGround Website Builder Website?

Can I Use a Subdomain for a SiteGround Website Builder Website?

Yes, you can use a subdomain for a SiteGround Website Builder website as long as it meets the following criteria:

  • The subdomain is not already in use for another website as a primary, parked, or subdomain.
  • The parent domain is not used in another SiteGround Client Area.

If the subdomain fulfills these requirements, you can set it as the primary domain of a SiteGround Website Builder website by following either of the two options.

How to Set a Subdomain for a New SiteGround Website Builder Website

  1. Log into your Client Area > Websites.
  2. Click on the New Website button.
    Screenshot of the SiteGround Client Area where you can create a new website
  3. Select Existing Domain and enter the subdomain in the Enter Your Domain Name field.
  4. Click Continue to proceed.
    Screenshot of the Setup Wizard where you can enter the subdomain for a new Website Builder
  5. On the next screen, select Start New Website.
  6. Choose SiteGround Website Builder from the available options.
  7. Confirm your choice with the Continue button.
    Screenshot of the Setup Wizard where you can select SiteGround Website Builder
  8. In the setup summary screen, check the box to agree to the terms of service and press the Complete button.
    Finishing a SiteGround Website Builder setup

How to Set a Subdomain for an Existing SiteGround Website Builder Website

  1. Navigate to your Client Area > Websites.
  2. Open the Actions menu of an existing Website Builder website.
  3. Select Change Primary Domain.
    How to change the primary domain of a SiteGround Website Builder website
  4. On the next page, type the subdomain in the New Domain and Confirm New Domain fields.
  5. Click Confirm to rename the website.
    How to confirm the change of primary domain of a Website Builder website

IMPORTANT! We recommend using а subdomain of a parent domain that is – pointed to the SiteGround nameservers. In this case, the subdomain’s DNS records and SSL will be created automatically, and your website will be accessible shortly.

If the parent domain’s DNS records are managed elsewhere, please contact support for follow-up instructions.

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