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What to do if you lost access to your account

What to do if you lost access to your account

If you have access to the administrative email or phone related to your account you may use our Login Recovery page.

If you cannot use the email or the phone associated with the website hosted by SiteGround that you claim ownership to, please check which of the following cases best describes your situation and follow the instructions.

The account is owned by you, but you have no access to its administrative email or phone

If you are the owner of the account, but you have lost access to the administrative email  and phone, please send an email explaining the situation to compliance@sitegronund.com, with subject Ownership Case + website name, and attach the following documents:

  • Scanned identification document in order to confirm that your name coincides with the one we have on file.
  • Excerpt of a bank statement documenting with payment previously made for the account in question.

  Please, note that all documents you provide must be in one of the SiteGround support languages – English, Spanish, Italian, German, or French. In case they are not, please provide us additionally with a sworn/certified translation of the documents in one of the above-mentioned languages.

  IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have used the correct subject and have included all the required documents for your specific case, otherwise we will not be able to review the case. The initially required documents are the bare minimum for us to consider your case, more documents will probably be additionally required.

Current account owner is a third party that created/managed the site for you

Try to get in touch with the third party (your web agency, designer, or developer) that owns the account and ask them to either edit the ownership details of the account so it has your email or use the Ownership Transfer functionality to hand over the website to you. This is always the most straightforward and fast way to get access to your site.

If there is a dispute between you and the third party that currently owns the account, you need to resolve it yourself. Only after you have resolved the dispute, please contact us at compliance@sitegronund.com subject should be Ownership Case + website name. The email should include a description of the situation and one of the following:

  • Dispute resolution agreement and the email address of the current owner in the CC for confirmation on their part.
  • Court order or an order issued by a competent authority.

  Please, note that all documents you provide must be in one of the SiteGround support languages – English, Spanish, Italian, German, or French. In case they are not, please provide us additionally with a sworn/certified translation of the documents in one of the above-mentioned languages.

Company’s account was managed by a former employee of your company

If your company’s details are listed in ‘Login & Profile’ section of the Client Area, but the administrative email and phone number of the account belong to a former employee of the company that you cannot get in touch with, please use the Login Recovery functionality to check if the administrative email of the account is a business one, owned by your organization, and if possible use your internal resources to obtain access to this email address and use it for login recovery.

If this course of action is not possible, the legal representative of the company should contact us at compliance@sitegronund.com subject should be Ownership Case + website name. The email should include a description of the situation and all of the following:

  • Certificate of Good Standing of the company issued within the last 3 months and containing name and title of the legal representative of the company, in order to confirm the representative power.
  • Scanned identification document of the legal representative of the company to confirm its identity.

  Please, note that all documents you provide must be in one of the SiteGround support languages – English, Spanish, Italian, German, or French. In case they are not, please provide us additionally with a sworn/certified translation of the documents in one of the above-mentioned languages.

The account is owned by a deceased person

If the account is owned by a deceased person, we need to receive written instructions from the person who is legally representing the deceased account owner. An email describing the situation and containing all of the documents listed below should be sent to compliance@sitegronund.com, subject Ownership Case + website name:

  • Scanned copy of a Death Certificate.
  • Scanned copy of a Grant of Representation.

  Please, note that all documents you provide must be in one of the SiteGround support languages – English, Spanish, Italian, German, or French. In case they are not, please provide us additionally with a sworn/certified translation of the documents in one of the above-mentioned languages.

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