How to Use Dynamic Caching for Drupal 7.x ?
Table of Contents
This article explains how to configure your Drupal application to work with our SuperCacher dynamic caching service. Note that the SuperCacher will work only with Drupal 7. Drupal 8 has an internal caching mechanism and is incompatible with our system.
First, you need to install the SuperCacher for Drupal module to your application. To do this, follow the instructions in our tutorial on how to install Drupal modules.
How to Access the SuperCacher Settings
Once you install and enable the module, go to the Modules menu and scroll down to the very bottom of the page where you will see the SuperCacher for Drupal listed. Click on Configuration to access the module settings.

How to Enable the Dynamic Cache
To start using the dynamic caching system, you need to enable the Dynamic Cache for your Drupal site. To do this, set the Dynamic Cache option to ON.

How to Enable the Dynamic Cache Autoflushing
A useful feature of the Drupal SuperCacher module is the Autoflushing. To enable it, click the AutoFlush Cache radio button to YES. When you do that, the plugin will automatically flush the cache when your content is changed.

How to Flush the Dynamic Cache Manually
In certain cases, you may want to flush the Dynamic Cache manually. For example, if you edit your theme files via FTP, the File Manager tool in your Site Tools, SSH or even GIT you will need to flush the cache manually. This is required because the plugin cannot detect events outside the Drupal application and clear the cache. However, we’ve made the manual flushing of the cache as easy as possible. Click on the Purge Cache on the site and all the cached information for your site will be cleared.

How to Manage the Caching Exclude List
The exclude list is the latest feature we’ve added to our Drupal module for the SuperCacher. It allows you to exclude specific URLs or groups of URLs from being cached. This is useful especially if you have posts or pages that have a lot of dynamic content in them and should not be cached. To add an URL or group of URLs to the exclude list, type them in the exclude list and press on Save Settings.

Each entry should be added on a separate line. The module will remove all matching URLs from the cache. This means that if you add to the list, all posts in that category with URLs like will be excluded from the cache. In addition, you can add parts of your site like /store/ to exclude all pages with this string in their URLs.