Site Tools
How to use the Backup service in Site Tools?

How to use the Backup service in Site Tools?

What backup services do we provide?

We create automatic backup copies for all sites hosted on our servers. You can use these copies to restore your whole website or just parts you need specifically, like files, databases, and emails.

Additional features like manual backup creation, hourly backups, and backup downloads are also available depending on your hosting plan or your use of our Premium Backup service.

IMPORTANT! If your website is built with the SiteGround Site Builder, the information in this article does not apply to you, as your website does not have Site Tools. We automatically create daily backups for all sites built with the Site Builder. For restore instruction of these backups, please refer to this guide on how to restore a backup for a SiteGround Site Builder website.

How to access my backup tool?

To access the Backups tool, go to your website’s Site Tools > Security > Backups.

Backups in Site Tools

What are the standard backup features and how to use them?

Our standard backup service includes the following features:

  • up to 30 daily backup copies of your site if you’re on a shared hosting plan;
  • up to 7 daily backup copies on Cloud hosting;
  • restore options for all backups;
  • 5 free slots for creating manual backups for GrowBig and higher plans.

How to create a backup?

To create a new backup, simply fill in a name for your backup in the Backup Name field under the Create & Restore section.

Click Create, and your website backup will be ready in a few minutes.

How to create a backup in Site Tools

The backup will include all your website’s files, databases, emails, and even Staging copies.

IMPORTANT! Bear in mind that if you plan to delete your site, you will no longer have access to its backups. To keep your site data after the site is deleted, you should either use our Premium Backup service and download your backup prior to the site deletion, or you should manually create a copy of your files and databases on your local computer.

How to find my automatic daily backups?

All your backups are listed in the first tab of the Manage Backups Section. If you want to specifically see the daily backups created for free for all our customers, click on the Daily tab.

Daily automatic backups in Site Tools

IMPORTANT! You may not have any daily backup made in the first 6 hours after your site has been created.

How to restore files, databases and emails

To restore website data from any backup, you need to click on the Actions menu and select a restore option.

Restore options for backups in Site Tools

IMPORTANT! There is no option to preview the backup version before the restore is made. If you are not sure of the exact date from which to restore your website, you can always restore it again from another available backup date.

How to restore all files and databases

If you want to restore your whole site, you should choose the Restore All Files and Databases option and confirm you are OK to have your current site replaced with the backup.

How to restore all files and databases in Site Tools

How to restore specific files

If you want to restore specific files, you should choose Restore Files. You have 2 options:

  • Choose which files exactly you want to restore and replace them on your site
  • Put them in a folder for further review before you decide if you want to use them
How to restore specific files in Site Tools

How to restore specific databases

If you want to restore specific databases, you should select the Restore Database option. Then, choose which databases you want to restore from the list of all databases backed up on the chosen date.

How to restore specific databases in Site Tools

How to restore email accounts

To restore only your email accounts, select the Restore Emails option. In the following pop-up window, choose the email accounts you want to restore and confirm with the Restore button.

How to restore email accounts in Site Tools

What are the Premium backup features and how to use them?

The premium backup features are available only for sites subscribed to our Premium Backup Service. The Premium Backup Service provides additional backup copies and the option to download all your backups.

The backups do not use your disk space and are stored on separate servers to enhance availability and redundancy.

How to find my additional premium backups?

5 additional manual backup slots

Sites with Premium Backups are provided with 5 additional slots for manual on-demand backups. Based on the hosting plan, sites with the Premium Backups service will have:

  • 5 slots on StartUp
  • 10 slots on GrowBig, GoGeek, and Cloud

Once created, manual backups can be found in the Manual tab of the Manage Backups section.

Manual backups in Site Tools

7 additional automatic daily backups

A site with Premium Backups gets 7 additional daily backups on top of the ones included in your hosting plan.

A maximum number of backups will be kept based on the hosting plan.

  • For shared hosting plans – a maximum of 37 daily automatic backups
  • For Cloud hosting plans – a maximum of 14 daily automatic backups

These backups can be found in the Daily tab of the Manage Backups section.

Daily backups section in Site Tools

Hourly backups for the last 48 hours

For sites with Premium backup, we will try to create and keep hourly backups for the past 48 hours.

There are some rare cases in which we may not be able to create a backup for your site every hour (see why). However, we will always do our best to make backups on the lowest possible interval.

These backups can be found in the Hourly tab of the Manage Backups section.

Hourly backups in Site Tools

How to download a backup?

For sites with the Premium Backups service, all backups can be downloaded as files. This is done from the backup’s Actions menu > Download.

How to download a backup in Site Tools

Once generated, your download link will be available for 24 hours in the Download History tab.

Download link for a backup in Site Tools

Frequently asked questions

How SiteGround backups make my site safer?

In case your site is negatively affected by a recent event (malware injection, software update, or a developer’s honest mistake at an upload) having a recent backup can save the day. So in such cases, it is extremely convenient to use the restore functionalities of our backup tool.

We also store your backups on a server that is different from the one hosting your site, which reduces the risk of data loss. For most of our sites, this is not only a different server in the same data center but rather a server in a different geographical location. This further reduces the risk of having one and the same negative event affect both your site and its backups.

For more, see this article with information and exact locations where the backups are stored for the different accounts.

How can I purchase the Premium Backup service?

Go to your Client Area > Marketplace > Hosting, scroll down to the section Additional Services, and press the button GET for Premium Backup.

How to purchase Premium Backup from SiteGround's Client Area

Is the Premium Backup service renewed automatically?

By default, the Premium Backup Service is set to automatically renew, so you don’t have to worry about service suspension due to missed renewal payments.

You can manage your auto-renewal or make a manual renewal yearly payment from Client Area > Websites > Actions menu of the website > Website Settings > Added Extras section > Actions menu of the Premium Backups service > Renewal Settings.

Renewal Settings for a Premium Backup service

How to cancel my premium backup service?

To cancel your Premium Backups plan, go to your Client Area > Websites > Actions menu of the website > Website Settings > Added Extras section > Actions menu of the Premium Backups service > Cancel.

How to cancel a Premium Backup service

IMPORTANT! You are eligible for a refund if less than 30 days have elapsed from the payment date and you have not used any of the premium backup features. Your standard backup features will remain active even after your premium backup is canceled.

When are premium hourly backups delayed?

When your site is using the Premium Backup service, we’ll try to create hourly backups for the past 48 hours. Normally a backup is initiated one hour after the start of the previous one.

If a site backup requires an exceptionally long time (more than one hour) to be completed, we may need to increase the interval on which subsequent backups are initiated and keep less than 48 backups.

Some of the reasons that hourly backups may take longer than one hour are:

  • your databases use more than 10GB space;
  • you have more than 50 databases;
  • you have more than 50 database users;
  • your site’s inode or disk usage is extremely high.

To ensure theand reliability of your data backups, we may need to extend the backup window to accommodate the additional time required for the backup to be created. If such a permanent extension of this window is needed for any of your sites, you will be informed by our support team via a ticket.

How to import emails from a backup I downloaded?

The backup archive you’ve downloaded from the Backup tool contains the email messages of all email accounts existing in your Site Tools. You can select the messages of a specific email account and import them into an inbox of your choosing.

Here is how you can import emails into a Webmail inbox.

  1. Find the file backup archive on your local computer. It is a .tar.gz file, usually located in the Downloads folder.
  2. Uncompress the file.
    A backup archive file on a local computer
  3. The archive will be uncompressed into the folder mnt. Find the mail subfolder. The path is mnt/server_name/yourdomain.com/backup_serial_number/mail.
  4. The mail folder contains all existing accounts created in Site Tools, each represented by an eponymous folder.
    Mail subfolder of a backup archive
  5. You can prepare a zip file from which you can import all messages in all email accounts simultaneously by archiving the entire mail folder.
  6. Alternatively, you can select and archive a separate inbox folder to import the messages it contains. The path of each inbox is mail/user@yourdomain.com/cur.
    Compressing a cur subfolder to prepare a mail archive
  7. Log into the Webmail email account in which you’ll import the messages.
  8. Select More > Import.

    Import button in Webmail

  9. Click on the Browse button, which will open a file selector for your local computer.
    File selector for importing emails in Webmail
  10. You can now select the zip file you’ve prepared. Finally, press the Import button to upload the messages into the Webmail inbox.
    Importing emails in Webmail

These steps are specific to our Webmail client. If you use another email service, contact the new service provider and provide them with your backups so they can assist in importing them.

What happens with backups if my site is in suspended/offline mode?

While a site is in a suspended mode for any reason (you have put it in Offline mode, your hosting account has expired or is violating our terms of use, etc.), no standard or premium backups are created. The existing backup copies are also being deleted gradually.

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