How to add languages to PrestaShop?
To add more languages to your PrestaShop website, log in to your website’s admin panel and go to International > Localization.

Then choose the desired language in the Import a localization pack section. You may also choose what content you want to import along with the language.

By default – States, Taxes, Currencies, Languages, and Units would be ticked. You may adjust those to your preferences. You should also choose if you want to download the pack data from the PrestaShop website or use the one in the localization folder of your PrestaShop installation. Once you select the preferred options, click on Import.
Once the pack is installed, you would see a Localization pack imported successfully message.
If you want to manage the currently installed languages, go to International > Translations. You can review, update, export languages from it and also modify translations.

To change the language of the admin dashboard, head over to Your Profile.

Under your Employee profile, change the Language to the one you would like to use.

If the language you are looking for is not present, make sure that it is installed by following the steps described above.