Today a critical vulnerability was found in one of the most popular and widely used WordPress plugins – Jetpack. Fortunately, according to the plugin authors there is no evidence that this issue has been used to hack real sites. However, an update of the plugin was released – Jetpack 4.0.3.
As usual, our security team was pro-active and updated our WAF (web application firewall), adding rules to prevent the hack from being used. This means that even if your plugin is not updated to the latest version, your site will still be protected. However, we urge all Jetpack users to update the plugin to its latest version in which the vulnerability is patched.
Comments ( 6 )
Samuel A King
Thanks for the update guys. But now your firewall prevents me from updating my plugins, akismet from checking spam and all other jetpack functions from working. Pls advise
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
I think that's another issue and it's a simple coinsidense that it happened at the same time the post was published. I've just tested again everything you mentioned and didn't experience any issues whatsoever. Please, post a ticket in your Help Desk and our support team will assist you.
Good to hear that the plug-in author and siteground techs are "on to it."
Thanapol Raktham
My site at smartfinder asia is safe despite using jetpack.
Thanks for the update guys. But now your firewall prevents me from updating my plugins, akismet from checking spam and all other jetpack functions from working.
Marina Yordanova Siteground Team
Hello, could you please post a ticket from your HelpDesk about this issue? Our techs will be glad to assist you further.
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